Monday, September 10, 2007

Met the westies....livin' la philly loca!

Those of you familiar with the Wharton Program already know that Wharton also has an mba exec west campus based in San Francisco. Each year, the West Coast class gets to come out to Philly for a weekend. Well this past weekend we got to meet our classmates from the West.
The weekend corresponded with the first weekend back for the east coast cohort after finals. I flew in on Wednesday night (classes were Thur thru Saturday), so I could meet up with some of the west coasters that came in on wednesday. All in all, I had a great time. I met lots of great folks. One thing I did notice was that the West Coast class is clearly a lot more tech oriented. I met many folks who worked at startups, a couple of google staffers. Also represented were intel, microsoft, cisco, ibm, oracle, HP. It was all good stuff. Thursday night was a barbecue at the Huntsman Hall patio/roof. This was followed by some evening pleasantries at some of the local establishments. Friday night was dinner in downtown Philly, followed by more pleasantries at some of the downtown establishments. Kudos to the Wharton staff for getting the two cohorts together like this.


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